About Us
Esperti nella lavorazione e nella commercializzazione del legname da costruzione, legna da ardere e pellet.
Our History
Many years of experience serving the end customer.
Over the years, Angelo Panzavolta has gained extensive experience in the field of construction timber, thanks to which he establishes collaborative relationships with various suppliers in Austria and establishes the company called KRONA HOLZHANDEL GMBH; the product sector is the marketing and production of construction timber, firewood and pellets for heating, the area of interest remains the Italian territory.
In 2023, in collaboration with other partners and collaborators, he founded a company in Italy serving the Austrian parent company: Holzindustrie srl. This company has its registered and operational headquarters with a factory in Veneto (VR) which is a geographically strategic point for customers. Holzindustrie srl takes care of the final processing phase of the goods imported from Austria and the logistics up to the final customer.